Lenexa Central Church Sermons
Welcome to the weekly podcast from Central Church of the Nazarene in Lenexa, KS. For more information about Central Church go to centralchurchonline.com
112 episodes
Finding Our Delight
Psalm 37; Luke 17:11-19Delighting in the Lord means we revere the Giver more than the gift. In the story of the 10 lepers who were cleansed, one came back to give thanks, a Samaritan! We are not entitled to anything, but everything i...
Season 4
Episode 3
Grace to Trust Him More
Psalm 37Some people are leapers - they jump in with both feet with little hesitation. Others are calculators - they analyze the risk thoroughly before making a decision. Both are called to be disciples of Jesus who trust God above al...
Season 4
Episode 2
The Cycle of Victorious Living
Psalm 37:1-9 This Psalm invites us to fully commit to the ways of God that bring peace in place of worry. It's a daily decision that teaches us faith in the character of God and not in our circumstances. As we face new situatio...
Season 4
Episode 1
In the Key of Christmas
Luke 1:46-56 The message of Christmas invites the people of God to sing, but the world is woefully out of tune with God’s purposes for creation. Mary obediently brings her life into harmony with the Christmas message in the mid...
Season 3
Episode 50
Risky Joy
Isaiah 12:1-6 We are reminded in the season of Advent that, while Christ has already come, Christ will also come again. We live in a reality where things are not as they should be, but we find an unexplainable joy that only God...
Season 3
Episode 49
Love You Can Count On
1 Corinthians 13 The people of God are invited to join in and experience this faithful covenant and steadfast love. Even in our silent unbelief and our periods of waiting, God is still working to make all things right and good....
Season 3
Episode 48
A Living Hope
Psalm 25:1-10 Psalm 25 is a reminder that we worship a God we can trust and rely on. In this Advent season, as we wait, God has given us a promise that brings hope, even in lament when we are tempted to despair. As we live into...
Season 3
Episode 47
Walk On Together
2 Kings 2:6 We are thankful for many things in this season, but being united to Christ as “One Family” is at the top of the list. Kansas City District Superintendent, Rev. Kyle Poole, reminds us of the unity of the Church ...
Season 3
Episode 46
Share Your Story
John 9:24-34Everyone has a story to share, but no story is bigger than God's story. When we tell our story with authenticity and vulnerability, our life becomes an entry ramp for others to experience this good news for themselves.
Season 3
Episode 45
Serve Sacrificially
John 13:1-17The love of God is on full display in Jesus being willing to wash the feet of his disciples. We may be overwhelmed by all the people in the world in need, but Jesus saved the world by serving those closest to him. It's a ...
Season 3
Episode 44
Eat Together
Genesis 18:1-16What if eating is about more than food? Jesus ministered to people around a table. Like Abraham and Sarah welcoming three strangers, ordinary meals become holy moments when we invite Jesus and those he loves around our...
Season 3
Episode 43
Listen With Care
Prov. 10:19; James 1:19, 1 Kings 19:9-15 Jesus listens to the one everyone else ignores. When we listen with care we embody the life of Jesus and create an open door for a conversation that has the potential to transform the spe...
Season 3
Episode 42
Begin With Prayer
Luke 6:12-19 Jesus sets an example of prayer for his people. One cannot engage in the mission of God without being connected to the Life of God. Our effectiveness in ministry is dependent upon our connection to God in prayer.&n...
Season 3
Episode 41
Blessed to Be a Blessing
Genesis 12:1-3 Abraham was called by God and given a promise that through the blessing of his descendants, "all people will be blessed." He was blessed to be a blessing, and this captures who the church is called to be as ...
Season 3
Episode 40
Faith Promise: Guest Speaker
We believe God has a mission to redeem the world and he calls his church to join him in this work. Our annual “Faith Promise” weekend celebrates this shared mission! Hear from the national director of the Church of the Nazarene in Cuba, Rev. Le...
Season 3
Episode 39
Roots that Run Deep
Jeremiah 17:5-8 A life of faithfulness isn't created overnight. It's nurtured over time like a tree by a stream with roots that go deep. Even in seasons of drought, a life with roots that run deep will always bear fruit.
Season 3
Episode 38
Cycle of Victorious Living
Psalm 37:1-7 There is a “cycle of victorious living” that sustains us in every season of life. The psalmist's admonition to “trust, delight, commit, and rest” is a life-giving rhythm, no matter what life throws at us.
Season 3
Episode 37
Remember Who You Are
Proverbs 8:32-36The world may appear to be haphazardly spinning out of control, especially in the face of big changes. However, God's wisdom was present at creation and is programmed into the "operating system" of life. Living a life...
Season 3
Episode 36
A Matter of Trust
Proverbs 3:5-6It's one thing to say you trust God, but do your actions reflect a life that is fully dependent upon God and his provision? Following Jesus is a matter of trust. Will we trust our way or God's way in life's biggest chan...
Season 3
Episode 35
Times Are A Changin'
Ecclesiastes 3:1-11The human experience is filled with sorrows and joys. Without faith, one can only hope that the high moments outnumber the low ones. Sometimes, however, life doesn't make sense and joy is difficult to find. Faith i...
Season 3
Episode 34
Bigger Tables Better Stories
Luke 19:1-10Zacchaeus is famous for being "short," a detail that reflects humanity being stunted by greed and worldly pursuits. As it turns out, these are exactly the people Jesus wants to have dinner with and to whom the mission of ...
Season 3
Episode 33
Right Time Right Place
John 4:4-26Everything about Jesus’ encounter with the Woman at the well could be described as “wrong time and wrong place.” The hospitality of Jesus, however, takes everything that's wrong and makes it right. If your story is filled ...
Season 3
Episode 32